HOI’s medical mission trip averages over 500 patient contacts with illnesses ranging from dehydration, malnutrition, skin diseases, parasitosis, skin infections and abscess formations, and of course systemic infections.
Hope Outreach International welcome offers opportunities to medical professionals to serve on long term and short-term mission to meet the need of the people of Haiti.
HOI works side by side of local Haitians and North American partners to implement projects such as development of accessible clean water, to establishing a complex medical clinic that will serve the families of Lamothe, Haiti and its surrounding communities.

HOI takes pride in Education. We reach families, individuals, and institutions by providing education assistance through school & community sponsorships and scholarships to the less fortunate children of Haiti. Additionally, HOI opened its doors to a school in 2009 to facilitate more needy children who never had access to education. Our goal is to sponsor 500 students for the 2018/2019 school year.

HOI has provided leadership training for over 5,000 next generation leaders in the past 7 years. With more than 61% of the Haitian population under the age of 21, HOI has realized that Haiti’s greatest asset is people. When they are trained right, they have a lot to offer. HOI concentrates on developing next generation Haitian leaders in the US as well as in Haiti because they are the hope for a better tomorrow and a better Haiti. We achieve this through seminars and conferences.

Hope Outreach International provides small loans to needy single mothers in Haiti, to start a small business of choice. Participants are chosen from various communities in Haiti. For the past 5 years the program has successfully helped many families.